Admin Toolbox

Outdoor Champion Advisory Board

Cheddar Up Fee Fee Calculator

Accessible by members of the Outdoor Champion Advisory Board. 

You must be logged in to your Google Account in order to view these documents. 

Zoom Instructions

OCAB Elephant / Roster - Protected

OCAB - Private Google Drive Folder

OCAB - Public, Shared Google Drive Folder

OCAB Sasquatch Team Google Group

OCAB Complete Resources  - Edited Version is for Public

OCAB Meeting Agenda and Minutes Folder

OCAB - Application Data Folder

OCAB - Survey Responses as a Google Sheet

Interest Application (as Forms Responses) 

Report Barriers and Needs (as Forms Responses)

Connection Request (as Forms Responses) 

Trailblazer Folder

Social Media Team

Accessible by members of the Outdoor Champion Social Media Team. 

You must be logged in to your Google Account in order to view these documents. 

Social Media Team Elephant

Social Media Team - Google Drive Folder

Google Group

Facebook Page - Sasquatch Playground

Instagram - Sasquatch Playground

Outdoor Champion - Advocates

Outdoor Champion - Guides